Your Contract Vault: Contract Repository

Infinite document storage
A digital storage system for contracts and related documents.
Effortless Search and Retrieval
Upload, store, manage and access contract documents in a secure and organized manner.
Advanced features
With cloud-based storage, AI-powered data extraction and advanced search capabilities.
Stay informed
Notifications and alerts for important contract milestones.
Infinite document storage
A digital storage system for contracts and related documents.
Effortless Search and Retrieval
Upload, store, manage and access contract documents in a secure and organized manner.
Advanced features
With cloud-based storage, AI-powered data extraction and advanced search capabilities.
Stay informed
Notifications and alerts for important contract milestones.

Centralized Storage

Document Management: A single, centralized location to store all your contracts and associated documents.
Cloud-based Storage: Our contract repository is cloud-hosted ensuring that your contracts are securely stored and readily accessible from anywhere in the world.
Data Driven: With powerful metadata and indexing, you can easily organise, search and extract insights from your contracts.

Organized and Accessible

Folder and Tagging System: Organize your contracts into folders and tag them with relevant keywords for easy categorization and retrieval.
AI-Powered Data Extraction: Extract vital information from contracts with incredible accuracy.
Version History: Maintain a complete version history of each contract, including details of changes made, who made them and when they were made.

User- Friendly Interface

Insightful Search: Quickly locate specific contracts using keywords, clauses, parties or contract type.
Filter and Sort: Filter and sort contracts based on various criteria such as contract status, expiration date or parties involved.

Security & Compliance

Access Control: Assign and manage user permissions to restrict access to contracts ensuring that only authorized user can view or edit them.
Audit Trail: Get a detailed record of all contract-related activities.

Taking a closer look..

Difficulty in locating contracts due to scattered storage across departments or in physical files.
Managing and tracking contract revisions and changes was cumbersome and error-prone.
Lack of robust security measures lead to data breaches and compliance issues.
Saves you time so you don't have to spend hours on paperwork and searching for documents.
Keeps your data secure reducing worries about data breaches.
Provides insights and reminders so you can make smarter decisions and never miss a deadline.
Legal Teams: Streamline contract creation, negotiation and management processes while ensuring legal compliance.
Procurement Teams: Easily access vendor contracts, monitor renewals and improve negotiation outcomes.
Sales and Marketing Teams: Manage customer agreements, partnerships and marketing contracts efficiently.
Finance and Accounting Teams: Facilitate financial audits and optimize supplier agreements and payment terms.

Why choose Contractzy?

Automated Alerts, Notifications and Reminders
Stay on top of vital contract events with automatic notifications, ensuring you never miss important milestones.
Powerful Integrations and Compatibility
Integrates with other software systems creating unified workflows and eliminating data silos.
Dedicated Support from our Experts
We provide comprehensive training resources and dedicated support to ensure you're making the most of our platform.
Security and Confidentiality
We prioritize data security with multi-factor authentication, encrypted storage, and regular penetration testing.
Faster Turnaround Time
Expedite contract processes, reducing waiting periods and approvals for faster contract executions.
Complete Visibility
Instantly track and monitor contract lifecycle stages enhancing transparency and oversight with a neat dashboard.