Extract Historical Records with: AI Powered Legacy Contracts

Data Migration
Effortlessly transfer and digitize paper-based or old contract records into digital formats.
Artificial Intelligence
Reduce manual efforts and save time with AI Data Extraction.
Automated Reminders
Get automated reminders for contract renewal and expiration.
Digitize Contracts
Scan and upload old paper contracts into the system.
Data Migration
Effortlessly transfer and digitize paper-based or old contract records into digital formats.
Artificial Intelligence
Reduce manual efforts and save time with AI Data Extraction.
Notification centre
Get reminders about upcoming renewals and track renewal process.
Digitize Contracts
Scan and upload old paper contracts into the system.

Eliminate Scattered Storage

Centralized Repository: Transfer, centralize, organize and manage legacy contracts in one place.
Trouble-free Retrieval: Enables quick access to historical contracts saving time and effort searching for important documents.

Legacy Contracts Analysis

Data Extraction: Our AI algorithm extracts key data from legacy contracts including terms, obligations and key dates.
Meta Tagging: Automatically tag contracts with metadata to classify and organize them systematically.

Comprehensive Compliance

Data Security: Implement stringent security measures to protect sensitive contract data and maintain compliance with data protection regulations.
Monitor Legal changes: Ensure legacy contracts align with evolving legal and regulatory requirements.
Risk Mitigation: Our AI-powered tool identifies potential risks in older contracts allowing for proactive risk mitigation and dispute prevention.

Timely Alerts & Cost Efficient

Timely Notifications: Get reminders about upcoming renewals, track the renewal process and make sure that everything is done on time.
Cost Reduction: AI-powered contract analysis and extraction reduces costs by eliminating manual review and data entry.

Taking a closer look..

Labor-intensive, error-prone manual extraction and entry of data from legacy contracts.
Difficulty in quickly finding information within legacy contracts due to limited search capabilities.
Heavy resource and time investment in managing legacy contract data without automation.
Effortlessly transfer and digitize paper-based or old contract records into digital formats.
Store all your contracts including old legacy contracts in one place.
Get reminders about upcoming renewals and track the renewal process.
Legal Teams: Enhance the management of archived legal agreements reducing legal risks and supporting compliance.
Procurement Teams: Improve supplier relationships by optimizing agreements and reviewing past contracts for effective management.
Sales and Marketing: Retrieve and analyze archived sales agreements marketing contracts and partnership agreements for market analysis and revenue growth.
Human Resource: Manage historical employment contracts, talent agreements and HR documents for talent and workforce planning.

Why choose Contractzy?

Automated Alerts, Notifications and Reminders
Stay on top of vital contract events with automatic notifications, ensuring you never miss important milestones.
Powerful Integrations and Compatibility
Integrates with other software systems creating unified workflows and eliminating data silos.
Dedicated Support from our Experts
We provide comprehensive training resources and dedicated support to ensure you're making the most of our platform.
Security and Confidentiality
We prioritize data security with multi-factor authentication, encrypted storage, and regular penetration testing.
Faster Turnaround Time
Expedite contract processes, reducing waiting periods and approvals for faster contract executions.
Complete Visibility
Instantly track and monitor contract lifecycle stages enhancing transparency and oversight with a neat dashboard.