· 17 min read

4 Recent Developments Shaping Data Privacy in Europe with GDPR

Veda Dalvi
Legal Analyist @Contractzy
· 13 min read

Big Tech and Generative AI: An Analysis of Market Dynamics and Regulatory Implications

Veda Dalvi
Legal Analyist @Contractzy
· 9 min read

Contractzy’s CoraAI: Contract Optimization and Review Assistant

Veda Dalvi
Legal Analyist @Contractzy
· 14 min read

How to Manage Contracts Efficiently in 2024

Veda Dalvi
Legal Analyist @Contractzy

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4 Powerful Generative AI Trends to watch in 2024

Imagine AI that writes poems inspired by paintings or makes videos from your voice notes. Generative AI is getting cooler and more accessible in 2024! But with this new tech come some questions. Who owns the creative work AI helps us make? How do we keep our data safe? Read on to explore the exciting world of Generative AI!
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Contract Management
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AI-powered Contract Summary Feature

Traditionally, reviewing contracts can be time-consuming. AI-powered contract summary can help! This feature uses technology to analyze contracts and provide a quick, easy-to-understand summary. It highlights key points like important dates, responsibilities, and potential risks. This way, you can grasp the essence of a contract faster without needing legal expertise.
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Contract Management
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RBI's Mandate: Tech-driven Compliance Monitoring for Financial Sector

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All you need to know about The Digital Personal Data Protection Act, 2023

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Generative AI: From Contract Management to Creative Legal Solutions

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Contract Management
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Contract Redlining: A Formal Overview

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